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Trellis with Cucumbers

June 26, 2009


babiesWhy trellis cucumbers? Because they produce best when they are trellised rather than sprawling out along the ground. Keeping them in the air prevents rot and will probably prolong their growing season. They also take up a lot less space this way and for urban gardens space is often an issue (it definitely is for us anyway!). And: it’s easy!


twinedJosh built this beautiful and functional (and practically cost-free!) trellis with a few pieces of the bamboo that we cut down last fall and some twine. Essentially, he used four long pieces to create a pyramid and then cut shorter pieces for cross beams. Then he laced the twine between the beams to give the plants additional material to climb. The plants have been growing so fast that he had to add more cross pieces just a couple days after putting up the main structure and we’ve harvested several cucumbers and there are lots more on the vines.

Cucumbers love: sun, nutrients and well-drained soil…so we planted ours in one of the sunniest parts of the yard, mixed compost into the soil and mounded the bed to improve drainage.  So far things are looking very good; no pests, beautiful dark green spotless leaves and tasty tasty cucumbers!


2 Comments leave one →
  1. June 26, 2009 7:15 pm

    Pickles, anyone?

    I love sour cream cucumber salad, too – hint, hint…

  2. June 26, 2009 7:16 pm

    And don’t forget the Louisville specialty: Benedictine for all the garden parties.

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